Away Rotation-University of Cincinnati
Justin again, posting my last away rotation, at University Hospital in Cincinnati
Set up with the pod system, so you have lots of beds, but you don't have to cover all of them.
Lots of helicopter time as a resident.
Lots of vacation time as a resident.
Lots of elective time as a resident.
Students have a lot of autonomy, or as little as they want. Showing initiative is always a good thing though.
One lecture day per week, from 8am-1pm. If you also work that shift, you get half your shift cut off by this.
Faculty are very helpful.
Nurses act like you are a doctor, and don't treat you like a student (unless you act like one).
HUGE hospital.
Tons of research.
I have 17 shifts this month, with 15 of them being 12 hours, and the other 2 being 10.
It is a four year program (not necessarily a con, but it is to a lot of people).
Just like Jacksonville, the real children's hospital isn't on site. Thus, you don't see any kids.
It's Cincinnati, so the geography isn't as sexy as some other places.
Because it is a dictation system, you don't ever write anything down. It takes some getting used to. You don't dictate as students.