Saturday, May 13, 2006

Community Service: Bike Safety

The ETSU EMIG gave away about 60 helmets to pre-K through 4th graders. We talked about bike safety, rules of the road, proper helmet wear, and we showed cadaver brains and skulls to the children. We also gave away coupons to Norris Schwinn for bike safety accessories like reflectors, bells, and helmets for those who did not get one.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fellowships in Emergency Medicine

One of the biggest questions for EM residents is whether or not to do a Fellowship after residency. Here is some information gathered at the recent SAEM Southeastern Regional Meeting. More information is always available at the SAEM website.

Job Seekers Triad
  • Content/Quality of Job
  • Remuneration
  • Location

Numbers for 2003
Programs: 130 Fellows:104

Why do a Fellowship in EM?
  1. Increased job satisfaction
  2. More highly sought after for Academic Attending Positions
  3. More highly sought after for leadership positions in private groups
ACGME Certification
  1. Peds
  2. Tox
  3. Sports Medicine
RDMS Certification in Ultrasound

Evaluating a program
  1. Service requirements
  2. Quality of clinical service (not just Fast Track)
  3. Salary

Fellowship Directors
  1. Want someone really interested
  2. Beware of programs looking for warm bodies
The Big 3
  1. Peds
  2. EMS
  3. Tox
Other Opportunities
  1. U/S
  2. Critical Care
  3. International EM (12-15 programs)
  4. Cardiovascular Emergencies
  5. Faculty Development (Wright State)
  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Service/Administration