Sunday, January 29, 2006

ETSU Quillen COM EM Residency News

New news on the Quillen COM EM residency front. I have heard from several sources as of late. It appears as though the local health systems (with all that entails: Hospitals, Physicians, Money, ....) is on board. So what now you are asking? There needs to be a EM Program Director in place. Then Quillen can start moving towards the process of possible accredidation. This is likely to take a few more years, but we can only wait and watch. But we must continue to work with and pressure the administration on this front to ensure the progress doesn't get lost.

The details will still need to be hammered out, but here is the numbers being thrown around currently. The plans to start with are to have a total of 18 residents. This is 6 per year for a 3 year program. According to my sources Bristol is likely to not have EM residents due to it's lack of a PICU. So the 6 per year would be split between JCMC and HVMC. This seems to be a pretty standard number for new residencies, particularly EM.

Stay tuned for updates as they come to light. For those of you in the know, please keep us up to date with your information. For more information please feel free to contact Travis Watson at